Come and join our flexible learning programme leading to the level 4 Certificate of Music Education (CME) accredited by Trinity College London.
The course can be completed in anything from 6 to 24 months. We specialise in supporting music educators to run online teaching courses with synchronous and a-synchronus teaching methods, incorporating useful teaching tools from apps such as Mentimeter, Kahoot, Quizlet, Zoom and more! We recognise that teachers who come to us already have busy careers, and as such the course can be run in any order. You will develop a personal learning plan with your mentor who will guide you, not only through the course, but will leave you with a plan for the future.
The course is designed for music educators in a variety of fields. We have worked with community musicians, and Rock and Pop musicians looking to formalise their qualifications, classical performers looking to expand their teaching, and primary classroom teachers seeking to gain confidence in music curriculum delivery. We have had some lovely portfolios studies presented combining Music and Art, and Music and Dance. All of our team have experience working with the CME, as well as in the field of music education, and we can offer a broad spectrum of skills from musical theatre, classical instrumental teaching through to Rock and Pop. Working with you at your own pace they can guide you through the process of achieving the CME. Please note that you must hold an advanced DBS to be able to undertake the course. We can help you to obtain this if required.
The cost to complete the course £900 payable at the start of the course.
This entitles you to :
– 3 Zoom tutorials per term
– 5 hours of mentor sessions per year (you can split this however you like, split over zoom, FaceTime, Google meet, phone or email).
– Access to social network areas (Facebook / WhatsApp).
– Free access to any other CPD courses currently available on the website.
Assessment is through the completion of a portfolio of work relevant to your own teaching. This is flexible, and will be designed as part of your personal training plan, but is likely to include lesson plans and observations alongside your choice of reports, vlogs, blogs, essays etc.